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TOP 10
Since 1999, we have partnered with Dr. Max Friesen at the University of Toronto to pursue combined archaeological and traditional knowledge research. This work allowed us to learn more about very ancient history in the Kitikmeot, and to provide opportunities for Inuinnait youth to engage with heritage on the land. Along the way, we made some amazing discoveries about the history of both Inuit and the mysterious people who lived in Nunavut before them, the Tuniit.
Here are our top 10! They are arranged along a 5,000 year timeline from most recent at the top, to most ancient at the bottom. Click through each bubble to learn more.
2000 AD
Inuinnait History in Bathurst Inlet
The Largest Caribou Hunting Drive
Ever Mapped in Nunavut
An Inuinnait Stone House From the 1700s
The First Inuinnait in Cambridge Bay
1000 AD
Tiny Tuniit Carvings of Animals
The Largest Tuniit Gathering Camp in Nunavut
Solving the Mystery of Small Harpoons
Ancient DNA Proves That Inuit
and Earlier Tuniit People
are Related
1000 BC
The Earliest Art in Kitikmeot
2000 BC
3000 BC
5000 Year Old Traces of the Most Ancient People in Nunavut
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