Join a like-minded group of people who are committed to ensuring that
Inuinnaqtun survives and thrives for generations to come.
In Inuinnaqtun, Kivgaqtuiniq means ‘serving one another’, a value that Inuinnait have respected for millennia. We have upheld the shared responsibility to care for and ensure the wellbeing of one another. Through every season and cycle, interdependent roles and complementary skills nurture mutual respect, cooperation, and appreciation, ensuring balance and harmony.
The Kivgaqtuiniq Circle is rooted in core traditional values. Our people, the land, the sea, the ice, the air, the animals and the universe—we are all connected. Our ancestors who have walked the earth before us passed on knowledge amassed and sustained by thousands of generations. We are stewards of our culture and language, bestowed with a responsibility to ensure its continuity and vitality for the generations to come.
The scars of colonization and the systemic oppression of Indigenous languages and cultures run deep. Despite this legacy, we are optimistic. Healing is taking place, and there is hope for cultural resurgence.
As Inuinnait, we are waking up our souls, longing to speak the language of our namesakes, and connect to our spirits living within. Time is of the essence. We are harnessing the power of remaining Elders, knowledge holders and Inuinnait linguists and creating opportunities for this generation and those to come to grow up immersed in Inuinnaqtun and following Inuinnait ways.
The foundation provided through the Kivgaqtuiniq Circle of supporters is empowering us to carry out our most urgent priorities. This engagement is strengthening our ability to reconnect to our ancestors, their values and the worldview that we steward.
As a member of the Kivgaqtuiniq Circle, you will be part of a dedicated community standing with us and working together to support healing and the maintenance our culture and identity.
All supporters become part of the Kivgaqtuiniq Circle and are welcomed at any gift level. We are forever grateful for your generosity.
Members of the Kivgaqtuiniq Circle are celebrated in our Annual Report and
on our website. View the Circle members here.
The Pitquhirnikkut Ilihautiniq / Kitikmeot Heritage Society is a registered charity (897090536 RR 0001).
Donations above $10 will receive a tax receipt.